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William Pinkerton Memorial

  1. Curriculum
  2. P5/6: Mrs Logan
  3. Literacy
  4. 2021 to 2022




Our reading skills focus for this half-term will be on summarising, inferring and making conclusions. We hope to use this skills in our guided reading groups as we plan to use a new strategy called “Reciprocal Reading’.


Within spelling, punctuation and grammar, we will continue to explore a range of spelling strategies and rules along with learning about conjunctions, apostrophes for both possession and contractions as well as proofreading and editing texts. 


Our writing focus this half term begins with narrative writing. We will explore the features of a good story and learn how we can best use these to write our own interesting stories to share with each other. 


As our topic is on Save the Planet, this term we will incorporate elements of the topic to reading, comprehension and creative writing pieces.