Welcome to

William Pinkerton Memorial

  1. Curriculum
  2. P6/7: Mrs Alcorn
  3. Mathematics


In term 1, we will be exploring the following Maths topics: 

  • Place value
  • Multiplication and Division
  • Comparison Line Graphs 
  • Time - 12hr and 24hr clock 
  • Shape - 2D and 3D shapes 
  • Mean, Median, Mode and Range 
  • Angles 

In term 2, we will be exploring the following Maths topics: 

  • Area and Perimeter of regular and irregular shapes and triangles
  • Volume 
  • Prime, square and triangular numbers 
  • Fractions, decimals and percentages
  • Conversion between units of measurement e.g. Kg - g  

Mental Maths 

Each morning, P6/7 participate in various mental maths activities, such as counting aloud, completing activities on the interactive whiteboard and going head-to-head as part of a team.  We also take time to revise our times tables.
Every Thursday morning from 08:45, we participate in various table-top mental maths activities set up in a carousel style. We love the movement around the various stations and exploring all the different games whilst improving our skills, knowledge and  understanding.