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William Pinkerton Memorial

  1. Curriculum
  2. P5/6: Mrs Logan
  3. Topic
  4. Mighty Me

Mighty Me

Topic Evaluation

The Senses

Optical Illusions

Smell and Taste Investigation

Mighty Me Database using the computer programme ‘Textease’

1. Gathering the data

  1. Adding data to the database
  1. Searching through the lists of data
  1. Then we discovered a much faster way - the COMPUTER!

5. 'Textease' generated some graphs for us to use!


We planned an investigation to see if taller children always have the biggest feet.

Ask your child what we discovered!

The Human Skeleton

Through various activities the children learned that humans have skeletons to protect major organs, to support their bodies and to help them move.  They also learned the names of the bones, viewed various x-rays and put together their own skeletons.


What do we know?

What do we want to find out?