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William Pinkerton Memorial

  1. Curriculum
  2. P5/6: Mrs Logan
  3. Topic
  4. Save Our Planet!

Save Our Planet!

PowerPoint Presentations

We made PowerPoint presentations and presented them to P6 and P7 to encourage them to do all they could to help to save our planet!

Electrical Circuits

Janice came from the council to talk to us about recycling.  We learned some amazing facts!

How long does it take these things to decompose on a landfill site?

  1. A tin of beans?  50 years
  2. A cotton T-shirt?  5 months
  3. A cigarette butt?  10 years
  4. An apple core?  3-4 weeks
  5. A banana?  3-4 weeks
  6. A plastic bottle?  300 years
  7. A glass bottle?  Unknown
  8. An aluminium can? 200-500 years (no-one really knows)
  9. A wool sock?  6 months
  10. A paper bag?  4 weeks
  11. A Styrofoam cup?  No-one knows!


Our Recycling Centre

Bryson Energy Talk

10th December

Famous Inventors

We began our topic by looking at a number of inventors and their inventions.  We discovered that as the number of inventions increased and developed there was a corresponding increase in the resources required to keep them going.  Electricity has been a wonderful invention but sadly is draining the world of our natural resources! 


What do we know?

What do we want to find out?