Welcome to

William Pinkerton Memorial

  1. Well-being
  2. Children



We all know how important it is to look after our physical health but how can we take care of our mental health?  We hope that you will join us in exploring our minds and how we can keep them healthy by watching the videos and engaging with some of the activities below.  Please ask an adult to send pictures of you minding your head; we would love to see them! 

Music Therapy with Louise 

Click on the picture below to see what we got up to with Louise during our Music Therapy session. 

Toffee Tails

As a school, we have been so fortunate to have Toffee the therapy dog join us for our PDMU lessons. We have been exploring our emotions and ways in which we can manage our feelings. Click on the pictures below to see each class working with Toffee.

Mrs Black's Class:

Miss Galbraith's Class 

Miss Rainey’s Class 

1. What is mental health? 


2. How can I look after my mental health?

FS/KS1 Activities -

KS2 Activities -